Online safety
Whether your child is taking their first steps into the online world or using it quite a lot, talking to them about navigating the internet safely is one of the most important things you can do to help keep them safer. The more you talk to them about how they use technology like their mobile or games console, the more likely they are to understand your concerns. And the more likely they are to come to you if they feel like something isn’t right.
Making the most of social media
Young people can gain lots of good things from social media. But sadly there can also be a down side. Here we look at how social media can affect young people’s mental health, and how you can help your teen make the most of being online.
Child sexual abuse and exploitation
If you suspect that a child or young person you care about is at risk, you may be feeling scared, powerless, confused or angry. But painful as this situation is, you're not alone: there is help out there, and you can get through this. So don’t panic. There are lots of organisations who can offer help and advice. Abuse involves serious crime and isn’t something that you need to deal with alone. If you think your child is being abused or has been abused, it should be reported to Police Scotland or Social Work whose trained experts will provide advice and support and help you to keep your child safe. Our page on reporting concerns has more information.
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