Changing your little one’s nappy isn’t always easy. Luckily we’ve got some tips straight from the bottom drawer to get your little wrigglers into their nappy, snappy style.
Top nappy changing tips
Tip #1: Choose your nappy
Disposables or reusables – there’s lots of choice these days, so choose what’s right for you and your baby. Your Baby Box includes a voucher for 5 reusable nappies, so that’s a good place to start. Choosing reusable nappies can save you up to £750 per baby compared to the cost of disposables and will reduce your consumption of single use plastic too!
Tip #2: Pull ups
Getting them to lie down always gets harder as they get older, so try Pull-ups nappies if they just won’t stay still.
Tip #3: At the ready

You can avoid getting caught short by keeping everything you need close by, including a spare nappy and a few wipes at the ready.
Tip #4: Peekaboo!
Keep them entertained while you get on with the job in hand, giving them a wee cloth to hide their face and play peekaboo.
Tip #5: Quick change
Try to slide the new nappy under their bottom before you take the old one off to avoid a bum deal!
Tip #6: If you have a boy
If you have a boy, have your shield (cotton wool) at the ready! A temperature change could cause instant wee.
Tip #7: Distraction
Try wearing a teething necklace or make your own by dangling a toy around your neck. It will keep them entertained while you get on with the task at hand.
Tip #8: Fun games
Turn change time into game time by lying a dolly down next to them as if they are both going to sleep.
Tip #9: Collect
As they get bigger and start to walk, get them involved by asking them to go get the nappies and the wipes.
Tip #10: Changing chats
When you’re changing nappies, make funny noises and see if you can make them giggle, and when they do giggle back at them. See how many times you can keep it going. You’ll be having a ‘chat’ with faces and sounds. This is little bit of back and forth is great for helping little brains make the connections they’ll need for talking later on.
Tip #11: Wait for it…
Sing to your child when you’re changing their nappy but stop at the same spot in the song each time. And when you start again do it in a silly voice. After a few goes they can’t wait for the song to start again. Keep mixing it up every time. Little ones love new and unexpected things. Building excitement and then calming things down is a playful way for them to learn about self-control.
Tip #12: Hold on
Give your wee one a toy or muslin to hold while they’re lying on the changing table. You can add something that smells nice, like essential oils to stop them wriggling while you’re doing the tricky bit!
Tip #13: A head for music

If you’ve got a mobile that plays a tune or has moving parts then place it securely above your wee one’s head for them to watch while they get their nappy changed. You can sing along if you know the tune or just talk to them as the mobile spins round.
Tip #14: Wipe with care
Wiping from ‘front to back’ helps protect girls from getting urine infections.
Tip #15: Rashes and redness
Only use nappy cream if your baby’s skin is red or sore – use just a little, rub in well and if it doesn’t get better, ask your health visitor, pharmacist or GP for advice and help.
More information
To find out more about health visitors and the health checks your baby can get, speak to your GP or health visitor or visit Ready Steady Baby.